Eurit 567 Software Development

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is a list of software weaknesses. CWE - CWE-567: Unsynchronized Access to Shared Data in a Multithreaded Context (4.0) Common Weakness Enumeration.

Illinois Institute of Technology’s (IIT) Software Development undergraduate degree, graduate degree, and certificate program includes coursework focused on programming and the development of sophisticated applications through the design and implementation of software-based solutions and products.

M83’s “I Need You” is a gorgeous piece of work — swelling, cinematic, over-the-top synthetic stadium-prog that builds to a beyond-satisfying crescendo. I wish it was longer than three minutes, but we can’t have everything we want. The Divergent soundtrack is out 3/11. I fell in love with this song ever since I saw the movie, Divergent! Hope you enjoy it! If you have a request for a cover, leave a comment below!! If you love Divergent too, check out my song. M83 songs.

You will research, create, test and evaluate software and operating systems using a blend of technology and management.

It is designed to help students and experienced information technology professionals become software developers, managers and leaders. Coursework will enhance your technology skills, and prepare you for leadership and management with a better understanding of software development.

What Will I Learn?

The curriculum emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of issues such as software development; UML based software development; project management; structured and object oriented programming; application development methodologies; open source programming; coding security; client server technologies and applications; object oriented system analysis; modeling and design; human computer interaction; software testing and maintenance; intelligent device applications; and process engineering.

Where Will I Take Classes?

Courses are offered live and online by IIT’s School of Applied Technology and are taught by experts in the field with significant academic knowledge and years of experience in the software and application development realm in both industry and government service.

Career Outlook

A degree in Information Technology and Management with a specialization in Software Development provides you with knowledge and skills that qualifies you for a variety of careers in the Information Technology field.

  • Software Developer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Software Development Manager
  • Software Development Project Manager
  • Applications Analyst
  • Software Test Developer

This is a list of actual Information Technology positions that you may obtain as a result of completing your degree. This list is not comprehensive, and is not a guarantee of employment, but is meant to introduce you to the variety of possible career choices available to ITM degree graduates.

Students from this program are highly recruited by private and public sectors.

Popular Courses in Software Development

ITMD 412 Advanced Software Development
ITMD 511 Application Development Methodologies
ITMD 513 Open Source Programming
ITMD 521 Client Server Technologies and Applications
ITMD 532 UML Based Software Development


Courses are offered by IIT’s School of Applied Technology and IIT Chicago-Kent College of
Law and are taught by experts in the field with significant academic knowledge and years of
experience in the Software Development realm in both industry and government


Eurit 567 Software Development


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