Baikal Makarov Serial Numbers


  • Russian commercial high capacity (IJ-70-18AH or IJ-70-17AH):$250 - $4000 Note: 12-round magazines add about $75 - $90 eachto the value
  • Yours can take cartridges 25% more powerful then oldermodels/Versions like the type made by powerball and buffalo forself defence. Keep It if you have any problems with the magazineloading or the slide getting to weak to load rounds get new springsfrom Wolff a main spring recoil slide of about 19lbs will set youup fine. I wouldn't sell it lower then say $350-400 even though Ihave seen them lower becuase of the economy being bad..keep itpass it on to a grand child.

I dont think my new one is the 'H' version - there is certainly no H appearing - the serial number begins with a T then the number 12, followed by other numbers, and no letter at the end. On the other side is an F followed by HW. It still is interesting in the same way the Baikal Makarov is. I've recently been searching and cannot find the information that was listed on the old site regarding country of origin ID markings. For example, I'm trying to find for each country how they marked their serial numbers etc. The best I can remember was that on some there was a letter prefix that designated year made. I know my Russian PM has the actual year marked.

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