Wynford Dore Program Exercises

What Are The Causes Of Dyslexia?

Dyslexia, whichis a disorder that causes difficulty in reading and writing, is believed to haveno cure. Apparently, the condition does not only affect people at their youngerage, but can also be found in adolescents and adults too.

Difference Between INPP & Dore Programme. Methods of assessment: The Dore Programme uses posturography (computer testing system for balance and eye movements); INPP uses standard neurological tests also used by Occupational Therapsists. Pediatricians etc. Screening: INPP uses a Screening Questionnaire and the Initial Consultation to identify children whose. Dec 23, 2009  The Dore Program—originally called Dyslexia Dyspraxia Attention Treatment DDAT)—was originally developed by Wynford Dore, a businessman whose daughter was diagnosed with severe dyslexia 1. It is claimed to be effective against dyslexia.

With apercentage of about 7% of the world population suffering from the condition, itis in no doubt that dyslexia is a medical condition that really needs to be addressed.

Entrepreneur Wynforddid a research and came up with a treatment that was believed to cure thedisorder.Despite all the critics that the program faced from both the media andother scientific researches, it managed to offer relief services to a lot ofpeople, including children and adults. It also opened branches in many other countries. Lg philips lp156wh2 driver.

SignsThat A Person Could Be Suffering From Dyslexia

The condition ischaracterized by different signs which include;

  • Reading letters backwards
  • Difficulty in differentiating right fromleft
  • Inability to comprehend what someone isreading
  • Difficulty in reading certain lettersand words

ExerciseBased Treatment

The Dore programis completely drug free. It only includes some basic exercises like catching beanbags while standing on one leg and eye focusing.

CausesOf Dyslexia

Since the conditionwas identified in 1881, researchers tried to look deeper into the symptoms ofdyslexia. Some researchers associated the condition as not being able to clearlysee letters and numbers. Others relate it to the abnormal development of thevisual nerve cells. The three main causes of dyslexia includes

  • Neuro-anatomy
  • Genetics
  • Gene-environment interaction

TypesOf Dyslexia

Central Dyslexia

This includes

  • Surface dyslexia
  • Neglect dyslexia
  • Phonological dyslexia
  • Deep dyslexia


In surface dyslexia,the words with regular pronunciations that are highly consistent with theirspelling are usually read more accurately by people suffering from the conditionthan words that have regular pronunciations.

The diagnostic usedto find out whether this condition exists is to find out if the personexperiences difficulty in distinguishing of hormones. The disorder is usuallyaccompanied by surface agraphia and fluent aphasia.

It arises when aperson who initially knew how to read and write experiences severe brain damagethat result in errors in pronunciation which is usually a sign of lexicalroute.


Individuals whosuffer from phonological disorder usually read familiar words but havedifficulty in reading unfamiliar words. It is associated with lesions that aresupplied in the part of the brain that is supplied with blood,


In this type ofdyslexia, aperson can read the words but say a different meaning different fromwhat the word was meant to suggest. It is usually caused by extensive damage tothe brain, which typically includes the left hemisphere.


In thiscondition, some letters which are usually at the beginning and end of words areskipped, or misspelled by a person who suffers from the condition. It isassociated with the right palatial lesions. Using prism glasses is believed tolessen the condition

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