Hearing Loss Claims And The Vals

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May 03, 2016  The growing market for hearing loss compensation has been dealt a blow after a judge said a factory worker's claim was 'fundamentally dishonest' and threw out the case in a landmark ruling. Hearing loss, in contrast, is a very objective VA claim, and an audiologist will measure your hearing loss at various decibels and frequencies to determine your VA rating for hearing loss. Tinnitus is the number one easiest VA disability claim to win by the way.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs official site, hearing loss and/or hearing damage affects nearly 30 million people in America alone. Hearing problems such as tinnitus are described by the VA as among “the most prevalent service-connected disability among American Veterans.” More than half of people over 75 will experience some form of hearing loss or hearing-connected issues.

What is the maximum VA rating for hearing loss? This question and others related to it are very important for veterans filing VA medical claims for service-connected hearing damage. And, as the above suggests, since hearing loss or damage is one of the most common VA medical claims, it is a very good idea to understand how the VA approaches such claims.

VA Ratings For Hearing Loss: The Basics

Hearing loss issues that may be service-connected, and hearing loss issues that are aggravated by military service can be found in the VA Schedule of Ratings Disabilities, also known by the official title, 38 CFR Book C, Schedule for Rating Disabilities.

There are many reasons why a veteran might need to file a hearing-related VA medical claim aside from tinnitus or loss of hearing or degradation of hearing. These include the following described by the Department of Veterans Affairs as ear disabilities:

  • Cancer in the ear
  • Inner ear problems that cause dizziness, referred to as peripheral vestibular disorders
  • The loss of one or both ears
  • Perforated eardrums
  • Meniere’s syndrome or endolymphatic hydrops
  • Peripheral vestibular disorder
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Chronic otitis externa
  • Chronic suppurative otitis media
  • Chronic nonsuppurative otitis media (serous otitis media)

That is not an all-inclusive list, but it is a good example of the types of issues that face many vets. Ear-related issues can also include certain infections, it is best to consult with a doctor to learn which conditions may or may not apply to you.

The Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes hearing loss that may be reversible through medical procedures and the kind of hearing-related medical problems that may be irreversible or managed only through hearing aids. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders maintains that one in five Americans who need hearing aids actually uses the devices.

VA documents on compensation for service-connected hearing loss or damage recognize two kinds of issues important to veterans who need to make VA medical claims:

  • Conductive hearing loss caused by damage to the eardrum and related parts of the ear. This kind of hearing loss may be reversible through medical care depending on circumstances.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss due to damage to the inner ear and auditory nerve. This type of hearing loss is permanent but can be mitigated in varying degrees by use of hearing aids.

VA Ratings For Hearing Loss, Ear Loss, And Diseases Of The Ear

What follows are descriptions of ear-related medical conditions, and their VA rating percentages where applicable. These ratings are subject to change depending on legislation, VA policy, presidential directives, or other factors.

Always consult a VA representative about your condition, the amount of compensation, and any special requirements in order to apply for or receive compensation or VA benefits related to these conditions. You may need to be updated on current policy or pending legislation.

Condition: Chronic suppurative otitis media, mastoiditis, or cholesteatoma in any combination

VA Disability Rating: 10%

Condition: Chronic nonsuppurative otitis media with effusion (serous otitis media)

VA Disability Rating: Dependent on the amount of hearing loss associated with the condition

Condition: Otosclerosis

VA Disability Rating: Dependent on the amount of hearing loss associated with the condition

Condition: Peripheral vestibular disorders

VA Disability Rating: Based on severity. When this condition causes occasional dizziness, 10%. When the condition causes dizziness and staggering, 30%. The Department of Veterans Affairs instructs its health care professionals, “Objective findings supporting the diagnosis of vestibular disequilibrium are required,” and a VA disability claim for this condition cannot be assigned until that is accomplished. “Hearing impairment or suppuration shall be separately rated and combined,” according to the VA official site.

Condition: Meniere’s syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops)

VA Disability Rating: Based on severity. Hearing impairment issues with this syndrome featuring “attacks of vertigo and cerebellar gait” that happen more than once per week (with or without tinnitus) are rated at 100%. Hearing impairment “with attacks of vertigo and cerebellar gait” happening “one to four times per month” with or without tinnitus is VA-rated at 60%. Hearing impairment issues that include vertigo less than once per month, with or without tinnitus is rated at 30%.

Condition: Loss of auricle (ear)

VA Disability Rating: Depends on severity. Loss of both ears=50%. Loss of one ear, 30%. “Deformity” and/or partial loss may be compensated at 10% depending on circumstances.

Condition: Malignant neoplasm (described as “other than skin only”)

VA Disability Rating: 100% – The VA notes that ratings of 100% are permitted “beyond the cessation of any surgical, radiation treatment, antineoplastic chemotherapy or other therapeutic procedure.” However, six months following the end of treatment, the VA may require an examination to review the disability rating.

Condition: Benign neoplasms of the ear (other than skin only)

VA Disability Rating: Depends on loss of function

Condition: Chronic otitis externa

VA Disability Rating: Depends on the condition. For swelling, dry, scaly, or “serous discharge,” and related symptoms that require frequent treatment or prolonged treatment, the VA disability rating is 10%.

Condition: Tympanic membrane perforation (perforated ear)

VA Disability Rating: 0%. That is not a typo, the VA rates perforated ears at zero percent.

Condition: Recurrent tinnitus

VA Disability Rating: 10%. This rating applies no matter if the ringing or other sound in the ear is present in both ears or only one ear.

VA Help For Service-Connected Hearing Issues

If you experience any hearing loss, damage, ear-related disease, or other conditions related to hearing, get evaluated as soon as possible and it’s important to let the VA decide whether you are eligible for benefits related to conditions such as these. VA benefits for service-connected (or service-aggravated) hearing issues can include monetary compensation, hearing aids, service animals, and more depending on circumstances.

Service members will be required to meet with a VA audiologist in order to qualify for certain kinds of hearing-related medical benefits, payments, and equipment.

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