Game Emulator V6 0 Aristocrat Cabinets
mGalaxy v6.0 is released. mGalaxy is a Mame frontend. mGalaxy was created with one goal: keep things as simple as possible when playing with an arcade cabinet/control panel. It's indeed possible to control the whole frontend using the joystick..and 2 buttons!
Feb 08, 2019 Precofigured mame64.0206 ridding the FU screen errors on Aristocrat Poker Machines. UPDATE 17/02/19, added all working US game rom sets. Download from one o. Jan 30, 2017 Aristocrat WILD PANDA 2 slot machine. An Aristocrat Mk6 game on pc emulator. Duration: 7:17. Slots Emulator 777 1,486 views.
Main features:
Designed for arcade cabinets/control panels
(but not only, Keyboards are welcome too)
Entirely configurable with the joystick and pushbuttons
Game image preview
Preferred game list and game type (even if the rom name changes)
Displays roms based on your favorite list and/or specific game genre (platform, drive, maze..)
Exclude roms based on their genre (adult, quizz,..)
Normal browse, quick browse, alphabetical browse
Quick search rom with an onscreen keyboard
Easy to use and configure
Neat and nice interface
mGalaxy v5.5 Changelog:
* Automatic script handling.
* No more need to handle scripts installation! No more need to worry whether an emulator needs a script or not to work, mGalaxy will manage it by itself!
* RetroArch added to available systems.
* Command window hidden.
* The command window may now be hidden when the emulator is launched (for systems allowing it, like ‘Mame’ for instance)
* Uppercase and lower case rom file extensions are now allowed.
* Screensaver/Attract Mode.
* Theme switching (Premium).
* Set one (different) theme per system.
* Localization (French, German, Portuguese for now!).
* mGalaxy_Runway system creation setup revised.
* You now drag and drop the system you need (as many instances as you want) to build your system list (this would allow you, for instance, to create 3 different MAME systems!)
* Systems window: filtering on arcade/computer/console.
* mGalaxy_Runway: box/marquee images support (for themes allowing this functionality).
* Scroll speed setting.
* Let you define the scrolling speed of the list when direction keys are held.
* Pre-Launch settings.
* Allows you to launch another application/script/document before launching game (for instance, to auto load map to ‘Ultimarc Ultrastik 360’)
* Child lock (per key/button).
* When set, the key/button has to be held for 3 seconds to run.
* Compatible with every screen resolution (e.g. 640x480px).
* mGalaxy_Runway: database creator (with resume functionality).
* mGalaxy_Runway: database editor (Premium).
* mGalaxy_Runway: data/media export (database, favorites, roms, snaps, boxes, videos).
* Multiple monitor support.
* Command Help panel.
* Displays all the actions available and their corresponding key/button shortcut
* mGalaxy_Runway: Mame database creation updated
Download: mGalaxy v6.0
Source: Here